As an organization grounded in the Latino community, our mission is to build unity across all racial and economic sectors, to organize, empower, and defend our most vulnerable and marginalized populations and to bring justice, dignity, equality, and freedom to all the peoples of the world.
Our vision is a world free of oppression based on poverty, racism, sexism, sexual orientation, and discrimination of any kind, that limits equal access to the resources that ensure a healthy and productive life for all peoples and future generations, in peace, love, and harmony.
Our purpose is to provide services in a culturally competent manner to Latino and other low-income families and individuals of all ages, so that they may develop self-sustainability and may more fully participate in society. The comprehensive nature of our services allows our participants to address multiple barriers to stability. It is through these efforts that we endeavor to establish greater equality and a stronger community for all people. A large part of the organization’s multi-ethnic/multi-racial program participants are Latinos and other underserved populations of color.