offer extensive treatment options, and our highly accomplished staff consist of a team of experts in
Graham Rehabilitation and Wellness is a Seattle chiropractic, physical therapy, naturopathic medicine, and weight loss focused clinic. We offer extensive treatment options, and our highly accomplished staff consist of a team of experts in musculoskeletal diagnosis and treatment. Our multidisciplinary facility merges modern chiropractic care with physical medicine, exercise therapy, naturopathic care, nutritional counseling, deep tissue massage and patient education classes.
Our doctors perform functional examinations and recommend comprehensive rehabilitative programs to relieve pain, restore function and promote strength. We encourage patient participation in the recovery process with a focus on ergonomics, posture and home exercise programs. Our reputable staff comprise an integrated and holistic team that can provide primary care for any of your personal health needs. Established in 1992, Graham Rehabilitation and Wellness has built an exceptional reputation of providing quality care in downtown Seattle.